Your Go To Fix For Nissan KA24E & KA24DE Engine Startup Rattle
Call Us: 509-868-2499
Adjustable Cam Sprocket
KA24E Engine.
Self Adjusting Ratchet Tensioner
Adjustable Cam Sprocket
Options to Fix & eliminate timing chain start up rattle from Nissan KA24E and KA24DE and Toyota 22R engines
Options to adjust excess timing chain slack from the 22R, KA24E & KA24DE engines
Fix & Eliminate timing chain start up rattle increases precision of cam to crank timing & increases power & MPG.
Open Hours PST:
MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
SUNDAY: 7:30 - NOON​
Martin Industries
4039 S. Forest Meadow Dr.
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Best: Self Adjusting Tensioner
(Self Adjusts by itself)
Better: Adjustable Piston
(Manual Adjustment)
Discontinued: Tensioner Spacer
(Manual Adjustment) "This item replaced by Adjustable Piston"